Forde Visser

Shaping Space

Two Visits to Waka Waka

A sunny morning leads me to Shin's warehouse teahouse where conversation brews, revealing layers of design wisdom.

Gaston Eysselinck

The reasonable expectations (and reciprocating joys) of a vulnerable house: If you listen

In the decade since it “suddenly” became their house and their project, the Gaston Eysselinck house has revealed the character they noticed on the first day.

In the Air

Ira Kurlander House

The architect Ira Kurlander calls his home an “Airship” because the site was 20’ in the air on a 1908 building to take 2 more flats.

Dumb Boxes and Entangled Objects

Seventh House at the Danziger Studio-Residence

The Seventh House project is a gallery dedicated to early 20th century deco, postmodern and contemporary design.

The Play and Plan of Casa Stella

Casa Stella seems to be a kind of negotiation, or invitation, between effort and release, perhaps originating in the formative “play and plan” of Ivan and Alberto.

“Within reach” at Casa Ponis

The Touching Proxemics of Alberto Ponis’ Architectural Practice

Alberto Ponis’ extensive project on Sardinia began early in his career, in 1963, and stretched over the next decades.

Pernille Vest

For the interior stylist Pernille Vest, one thing has always led to another: fashion design to interiors, commercial work and editorial projects.


El Divisadero

El Divisadero, roughly translated as “a place to perceive”, is a 3-building compound in the countryside of Jalisco.

Sheltering the Imagination

The Olive Houses

The Olive Houses capture our imagination, even through their images circulating in the architecture ethernet.

Taking in the View

Introducing Issue Nº16

In this issue of Openhouse, “view” seems to appear over and over: 10AM Lofts scan a multi-millennial horizon, while Fondation Maeght’s view is closely focused through the lens of objects.

Visiting the Louise Amstrong House Museum

January 18, 2021

The empty rooms are quietly composed; still, soundless. In the elegant living room, modernist geometries of furnishings. Luxuriously silver-threaded draperies organize proportions of gracious repose.

Youkobo Art Space

Overlapping Tendencies

In a sepia photograph of a 1950’s building site, a young boy leans his barely contained energy towards the camera, as it in turn captures the rural features of Tokyo.

That Which is Handed Down

Issue Nº15

We gather the stories in this issue with the theme of “heritage”: a word built on concepts of ownership and value that distracts us with its implication of lineage and authority.

Casa Pedregal

The Emotional Life of Architecture

This house does not have an intellectual effort; it is the emotional effort. This house, it is all about emotions.

Atelier Brancusi

At Arm’s Length

It is amazing to see the Brancusi sculptures in situ. These vignettes from an artistic life offer intimate sculptural conversations.

Placing Biography

Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo House-Studio Museum

In Mexico City, Juan O'Gorman's 1930s Rivera-Kahlo House-Studio is almost an architectural proposal of how to live apart-together.


Economies of Art and Life

Hotel Martel has been restored and conserved by its owner, Eric Touchaleaume, being the most complete example of Mallet-Stevens’ residential work.

Keeping Toward the Light

At Potter's House

Talking with Luciano is itself like being in a garden; there are points that catch one’s imagination and vibrant connections; afterwards, ideas continue to grow.

Respite, Connect and Escape

At this moment we can take time to reflect on what it is to be home, to take care of our loved ones, and to really appreciate what we have.

Georgia O’Keeffe’s Abiquiú Home

Field of Vision

American Painter O’Keeffe was an immensely private figure who carefully crafted her persona & shaped a perimeter between her public & private worlds.

Frey House II

Thinking on the Ledge

In the shadowed interior, barely visible as an irregularly curved silhouette, but instantly recognizable, is the iconic rock, around which the house was built.


A vision of mutual understanding through cultural exchanges among the people of Japan and the world.

At Vespertine with Chef Jordan Kahn

Vespertine is an ensemble built out of artistic respect and trust, at a specific moment in time. The uniqueness of the result could never be replicated.

Invitation at Desert’s Edge

AZ West

Staying in a one-room cabin at the edge of the Mojave Desert in California is not a retreat; it is an opportunity to consider assumptions about how to live, instead.

By The Hands of Men

Issue 10 Editor's Letter

I’ve always had a bone to pick with myself of why I don’t use my hands more. It seems like a new year’s resolution, that each December I realize I still haven’t done.

Bless at the Neutra VDL

Living Together by Design

The Bless residency at the Neutra VDL Studio and Residences is part installation/exhibition, part educational programming and part social experiment.

The Thomas Mann House

Where the desk stands

Benno Herz shares with us the history and stories of the Thomas Mann House in the Pacific Palisades.