Clemens Poloczek

The Vitality with Bruno Sitton

Inner Tradition

If there was a picture next to the definition of vitality, it could very well be a portrait of Bruno Sitton.

The Nourishment with Claus Sendlinger

Inner Tradition

Food is at the heart of Claus Sendlinger's contemporary lifestyle perspective.

The Awake with Fahrani Pawaka Empel

Inner Tradition

You would think that Fahrani Pawaka Empel would struggle with maintaining energy and focus, however the truth is quite the opposite.

The Calm with Andrew Trotter

Inner Tradition

Calm is a common theme of Andrew Trotter's work. It’s something he strives for not just in his professional practice, but also in his personal life.

Inner Tradition


My INNER HEALTH Club has structured their message to the world: a project with the commitment of preserving our mental and physical health.