In September 2020, we are more accustomed than ever before to using technology to communicate. In the case of this interview, technology is doubly necessary: the founder of Studio IMA, Bettina Kiehnle (Mexico, 1988), is in Mexico City and I am in Barcelona. Fortunately, the connection is perfect.

IMA stands for In My Apartment, although the name has other origins: “It’s a Japanese term alluding to time and space, although its most faithful translation is the concept of the present,” explains Bettina. “I came across it in a book by Japanese designer Shigeru Uchida, who was recommended to me by Niels (Stroyer Christophersen), the founder of the brand Frama, a friend of mine and an important collaborator. When I discovered the notion of IMA, it struck me that it made sense to use it as the name of the studio.”
This article is included in issue Nº14. Buy it here.