Life in its purest sense
Eva Natasa
Simplicity, asymmetry, subtlety, natural beauty, grace, freedom and serenity. If we had to sum up the values that Eva Natasa conveys through the furniture brand she created with her name, these principles might be some of the most spot-on descriptions.
It was in Bali, in 2013, that Eva Natasa’s devotion to design as a means of creating spaces in careful harmony with nature prompted her to found a brand of the same name, even though it was really a lifelong urge she had always had. “I grew up in Indonesia and as long as I can remember, I always wanted to do design. I did my bachelor in interior design in England. After that, I returned to Indonesia and worked for an interior design firm for a while, where I realized that it was not really for me. I prefer to design smaller objects, so I decided then to pursue my master in industrial design in Milan.”

The creation of a brand synonymous with comfortable, long-lasting furniture was the outcome of an active exercise in mindfulness by this industrial designer in which she turned into her true design beliefs. “I think it’s important to listen, rather than just be totally self-absorbed. I feel we are part of nature. As a result, during the design process, we don’t just concentrate on ourselves or on the design–we take into account the deep essence of the tree we use and how to get the most out of them, while also trying to make sure that the process we follow has no negative impact on all the rest. This is a philosophy we share with the craftsmen and women we work with so that they’re conscious of what they’re doing.”

At EVA NATASA, a conscious choice of materials is used so as to ensure a highly effective furniture making process with a strong handcrafted emphasis and respect for the environment. Each item of furniture is made with the finest possible materials, paying tribute to the simplicity and intrinsic grace of each one. “For us, being minimalistic is one of our ways to be sustainable. I would like to reduce the materials and simplify the production process so we generate as little waste as possible. That is why our design process takes a long time because we don’t only design the look but also how it is going to be produced in a way that is as sustainable as possible.” For this same reason, all of the furniture of the brand are made with locally sourced certified materials and are designed and manufactured in Indonesia.

LULA, the first furniture collection of EVA NATASA, was the result of meticulous research and observation of life in the purest of senses. “Our furniture bears the distinctive characteristics of the tree used to make it; hence, each item is infused with a unique individual personality. After all, wood is a living material that reacts to design and so it’s vital to achieve a balance among design, ergonomics, the construction process and the materials in order to guarantee optimum end products.
Furniture is an object that is very close to the user, as we interact with furniture almost all the time (the chair, the bed, the table, etc.) so it has to be designed to accommodate the wellbeing of the user. And we would like to do so without sacrificing the balance with nature. The brand was born in Bali, so in a way, without even realizing it, our furniture carries Balinese soul and way of life: to always maintain the balance between human life (bhuana alit) and its natural environment (bhuana agung).

On the brand’s singular roadmap, there are no high-flown plans or goals, just the clear conviction that it must remain true to its values “Continuing to do what we do and remaining true to what we believe in.”