There is such a huge variety of activities and products that can make oneself feel relaxed. However, in the sea of that diversity, every human being has their own preferences. For some, it’s watching a movie or watching their favorite TV show under a blanket. For others, it’s drinking a morning coffee in silence or having a glass of wine at night on their balcony. It can also be doing their curated skincare routine or reading a book next to the fire. The list is definitely long and miscellaneous. However, all the elements in that list have a common denominator.
The concept of pyjamas has changed through the decades. Especially during their glorious moment of fame in the 1960s in Hollywood, comfortable and nice pyjamas have never been the center of attention. Why would they be? A big T-shirt can do the job, or the 10-year-old set works just fine. Unfortunately, we keep forgetting that pyjamas are, as well as anything else, a form of self-care. Pyjamas provide comfort, and, most importantly, they make us feel at ease. Therefore, why are we not paying more attention to one of the purest forms of well-being?

That is exactly what Tom Àdam is achieving. The loungewear brand, founded by Tom Vitolins, has brought relaxed bedtime feelings to everyday life. In a world that is governed by fast-paced lives, Tom found pyjamas to be the representation of a routine that can allow people to slow down. “As a 21st Century independent man, I can put my pyjamas on, chill at home and also grab a coffee in them, and it makes me feel good”, he describes.

Often labeled as unessential, pajamas have been relegated to the act of sleeping. In fact, humans spend one-third of their lifetime sleeping, but it is a subconscious process where clothing seems to become irrelevant. Nonetheless, pyjamas open a world of enjoyment that encompasses so much more than sleeping. Pyjamas are the enhancers of all those activities or products that make us feel serene. “I love to lounge around in them”, says Tom, “That’s what I love about them: they are the closest thing to your skin and really make you feel comfortable”.

The Tom Àdam designs escape from fashion trends, becoming long-lasting relics of comfort and relaxation. Describing himself as “not a big fashion guy”, Tom underlines his love for things that are well-made and, at the same time, beautiful in an aesthetic manner. “I think fashion sells a dream of certain superficiality to become someone that you are not right now, and I think wearing pyjamas is more about accepting who you are and just feeling good within yourself”, he details. High-quality, natural, aesthetic loungewear that can accompany you on your first adventure of the day, your last glass of the night and everything in between.

“When people wear our pyjamas, I want them to experience a feeling of warmth, a feeling of family”, he remarks. As the youngest kid in the family and starting a brand, Tom decided to incorporate his family into the business. “It is difficult in a certain way because you have to break through different hierarchies, but I find it really wholesome”, he narrates. Through Tom Àdam, the founder from Latvia has been able to combine his love for work and his love for his parents, and the match is stunning.
Running the company with his family, the closeness of Tom Àdam is not only provided through the pyjamas, but also through the behind-the-scenes. “My mom would often pack the pyjamas, and people would send back handwritten notes”, he reminisces, “and I would go to the factory to see and know the seamstresses by name. My aim is to develop a long-lasting feeling but, at the same time, develop something meaningful”, he states. Something that can really touch the person wearing the pajamas, both literally and in an abstract manner: “Because the pajamas touch your skin, but maybe they touch your mind as well”.

Tom Àdam is a demonstration that pyjamas are interwoven into so many distinct aspects of life. Pyjamas are the companion for wine, for coffee, for architecture, for traveling, for exercise, for entertainment and so much more. “At the end of the day, through pyjamas, you sort of build a lifestyle, right?”, Tom postulates.
You can order your pyjamas here.